Helloyoo ! Today is Friday and it's the last day of school! Time is sure fast. Just wham, poly started and wham again, 16 weeks passed. Another 2.5 more years to go, and I am out of poly. Have not been going to Grands' place recently cause I am not feeling well. Dont wanna spread the "love" to them. MUM WARNED ME SO FIERCELY -_-
So, my sore throat got worse and I officially lost me voice. Diyana cannot stand how my voice croaks. Hahs! Sexy what! So man.
Vomited a few times today _|_ Fine, gonna take it as a good chance to lose weight. (Y)(Y)
Lunch at Tmall after school with 2 monSTARs and John. Reached home at 2.30, and fell asleep with my laptop beside me on the bed. Woke up at 10 plus from noise poulltion -o-
Mum cooked porridge for me. Shiok man! Had 2 full bowls with baised pork. *slurps*
My diet plan D: Planned to eat as little as possible, not even grass. Have you wondered why the cows are so fat? Yea. And also to move alot. Lol-ishy. Excercise la. I need flabous. zzzzz
So anyway, monSTAR sprain her ankle on wednesday and I had to go to maths alone. Planned to go home and have a short nap after that before I am going out again. But they asked me along too cause Laoda is paying. LOLISHY. Whats the point when I dont play. Hahs. Left shortly after that cause they wanted to play lan and I wanna nap nap nap before going out. Metup with my C love after that. Misssssssss loadddddddssss ~
Kay pictures now.
[above] Spot laoda in parachute ; cheesheng's bag all buckled up. LOL!!

[above] FAIL.
Thursday. Metup with Jiamin in the morning and went off to school with my Jenny love (: Had 2 hours of break so went for "walk for rice".Walked 26 rounds = donated 52 bowls of rice (Y). And during the walk, its either I keeping dropping the sticks or I forget to collect the sticks after finishing around. T____T
Kitty and daniel(?) broke the record. They walked 60 rounds and had sunburnt. Pictures will be up later I get them from Xinyi monSTAR. Or maybe you can stalk facebook (:
Giant-ed after that. Super hot weather. Walked around, got a few good buys and a redundant buy - plasters. I have a few clumsy cut. Lol-ishy!
Mum just had the aircon serviced ! SHIOK MAN. Powerful aircon! WOOHOOO!
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