Evening! EXAMS ARE OVER! WOOHOOO SHIOK MAN. Next paper will most prolly be engfund sub paper for me. It was really that jialat okay. So now I am blogging outside instead of my room because their a frigging HUGE grasshopper somewhere in my room ._. F.
Somehow we think that grasshoppers knows what we are talking about. Sometime back, there's another grasshopper that flew into the toilet when I was showering halfway -__- I screamed, stoned there awhile to think what to do - halfway through showering. YOU THINK LEH??!!
While i stoned, the grasshopper frigging turned its head and stare at me. So i moved abit and its head followed wherever I moved. FREAKKYYYYYY!!! I ran to the bathtub to continue shower in the end. Lol.
After I showered, i went back to take pictures and its frigging head just turn wherever I moved! FUCK. And it stares at me as if i want to befriend with me.
I still have the pictures, show you. CLICK TO ZOOM !!!
Fuck scary or not!
I have a super funny video of mum whacking it! Share next time.
Neeway, this was sometime back. Its prolly dead by now.
theres a friend of it in my room, I am never stepping into the room again if mum have not catch it. Tonight, I will be sleeping in the guest room. HOHOHO!
Last night was one of the greatest night during studying. The feeling's back again. T_T
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