Helloyoooo \m/ I am staying at home today to study (: Tmr is the holy-shit! engfund paper cause I thought today was Wednesday so I thought that I have 2 more days. Until Xin told me that the paper is tomorrow. WTH.
Siting for the paper tomorrow already and engfund is like a stubborn mute and still dont wanna talk to me. OKAY MEH??!!
So yesterday went to airport to study with the same peopols yesterday. Macdonalds is out of bound for students who dont eat their food. So foodcourt was next! IT WAS SO SO SO TEMPTING. Hokkien fried prawn meeeee ~ Sylviaaaaaaaaa xD Hahhahahaha
Went home with the 2 monSTARS. Came home, and decided to eat cause Sean told me some theory. Kay, heard the similar theory befo but it has a different reasoning? Hahs, nehmind.
Kay, am gonna pry open that stinky mouth of engfund. WADAAAAAAAA ~
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