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I believe in lies and doubt truths. I forgive cause I forget. I wish fairy tales exist.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fail blogger. Sucks. I uploaded pictures halfway and it failed! Ass.. Will upload the rest next time. Kay neeway, my internet is back. Yaynessssss! Monday's over and tuesday next. Short day yet I have to stay back in school.

Maths quiz today was passable. Careless mistakes again and the last question was ppft. Chalet details are much settled over msn mass convo today. I love mass convo only that sometimes, because of different typing speed or whatever, you dont know who's talking to who. Crap.

Am feeling so high recently and I think Mum got that feeling too ;) Hahaha! Earlier on she was ranting or rather telling me something that she got so agreessive and agitated and she spouted out the word "cheebye" by accident. No that she dont scold vuglarities, but you know typical mums will try to become a role model INFRONT of their children.

So after she said the word cheebye, her expression was like -> O__O and she went *ahem ahem* and I seriously dont know what she is TI-TI-DA-DI-TU about after that already. (Y) Aiseh mummy!

And tonight she showed me and sis and guy of our age working temp job at her working place on facebook. She always talks about that guy every 1st and 15th of the month(chinese phrase). And that guy has the same name as our neighbour's baby so when she mentioned that she wanted to show us _________ 's picture, I thought it was that baby and was so happy because that baby is so cute.

Kaypoh only cheh.

Then when the profile pops up, it was a guy, not baby. She was like -> EH THIS ONE THIS ONE. *enthu*

sis and me stunned. So we went away showing no more interest. She just kept asking us to add to add to add him. WTF. For what? She even showed Grand that guy.
Grand was like " Can can!" (in hokkien)
ALAMAK SIOL! I went shower, came out she still talking about it. Then her turn to shower. She came out, still talking about it. BIANG. So persistant.

We had finish and shouted back ->" You sure you want us to add him? Later he can see ALLLLLL our photos you know" *both of us nodd in agreement*
She replied -> "You all dont any how hor."


Kay enough of that. I love my mum alot. (L)(L)

MY pencil got stuck today and Diyana HAD TO take picture of cute me trying to take that thing out. She even take a video of it.... Diyana you lucky blogger cannot upload pictures now. I have your picture *evil laughters* xD

Goodnight! Thanks for praying for my internet.

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