Helloyoh! First of all, I am craving for bedok's prawn meeeee. And sylvieee I am not jealous =p Secondly, I have been eating none stop since I open my eyes this afternoon. F, was supposed to go on a diet T____T. Jenny, hows your diet going on too? My one FAIL badly lehhhhh :(((
Thirdly, I am trying to get a fuck up beetle out of my room now _|_ where do all these flies come from anyway. Cant they just stick to where they usually are normally? Wtf?
Fourthly, I am super broke with only like a miserable $2 note in my wallet. HOW CAN MAN. Mum gave me extra somemore. I just dont know where I spent it all at -____-
Not going to ask it from mum unless she gives it to me herself cause holidays are here and I am stuck at home without a job. Point is, am big enough to earn some cash myself already so it just gets more and more difficult to open my mouth and ask for some dough from them... Especially duing holidays.
Good girl right. HEHS! But its true! I mean, dont you feel bad? =/
Dad gave me, but as usual, he transferred it instead of cash so that i wont spend it. Nopez, i dont touch my moneh in the bank unless for online shopping purple-sers.
Was searching for in the possible places all over today. Cause sometimes, I stuff notes in between shelf, books, under the accessories drawers and box. And sometimes, under the desktop's keyboard. So who knows, i might actually strike gold ya know

Am happy because i realised my angbao money is happily collecting dust somewhere. Not gonna tell you where. They are still all in their respectives' angbao packets! LMAOOOOOOO ~ Four digits figure! Shiok man

Me :"eh marmeee, i realised my my angbao money are still in the angbao. I havent spend a single cent of it."
Mummy:" WOOO REALLY? Where is it? *evil smirk*"
Kay am still a very poor girl. Not intending to touch that sum of money no matterz what. NEED TO FIND A JOB! Any recommendations for a poor girl in need of moneh?

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