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I believe in lies and doubt truths. I forgive cause I forget. I wish fairy tales exist.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Kitty, Sean took that photo. Not me. HAHAHA!

School's fine today. We have a upcoming comprog labtest this Thursday! Looking foward to it. I can die hard twice you know. !@#^&@#$%^ Kay so today comprog was nothing except that diyana said -> ________'s armpit so cute.

I missed out on whose armpit she said. Either Brindha V or her own. Hahs. Maybe she's referring to mine *blush* I.... I.... I..... tomorrow let you smell okay. HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG SO DISGUSTING SIOL -_______-

Thats all for now. I need to recharge myself for tonight's tv marathon. YES-SAH! ;p

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