Kay, I just got scammed by a online shop and its really frustrating! Should have trusted my intuition and not buy from that bloody freak!!
I am losing trust from online shopping already. I can hear alot of cheerings because now you people have more reasons to ask me to go shopping with you and I WILL BUY together with you instead of solo buying.
Nb, fuck that scammer.
Aneway, I did ........
today. That universal loop thing over my head was USELESS. I dont feel the heat or whatever shitz. STILL ! Love the great service there and now my hair is SUPER SUPER SOFT and I am SUPER SUPER HAPPY! YAY!!!
Uncle2's fam went over to Grands' place today and saw them there. Hongkai is very big size and musular-looking now. HAHAHA! You wont believe that he is the same age as Jonathan. Both Primary 3!
Uncle2 is still as SBGL as ever!!!!!
Mummy: "Eh your Hongkai very big already hor"
Uncle 2: *poke hongkai's kukubird hard and repeatly* "Ya, here big here big"
Ahma : "Dont make him paisey la you -.-"
Uncle 2 to Mui : *in his usual calm yet serious tone* "Your head is getting bigger"
Played with him OHELLO - Uhs is this what you called it(?), when I slept-over at grands' place that day. Nevmind about the name. Main point was I owned him! :D
What bully ._. He was winning at first okay, and then he kinda got hao lian thats why he lost! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Me : " Eh TonTon!"
Him :" WHAT?!?"
I LOVE SLEEPING OVER AT GRANDS' PLACE! Totally awesome with no naggings from Mum and so much loves from AhMa!

But now, he is not well :( I just miss the way he used to ask me to eat, and the way he used to call me to check if I have eaten even ewhen Mum is at home.

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