Kay, I just got scammed by a online shop and its really frustrating! Should have trusted my intuition and not buy from that bloody freak!!
I am losing trust from online shopping already. I can hear alot of cheerings because now you people have more reasons to ask me to go shopping with you and I WILL BUY together with you instead of solo buying.
Nb, fuck that scammer.
Aneway, I did ........
today. That universal loop thing over my head was USELESS. I dont feel the heat or whatever shitz. STILL ! Love the great service there and now my hair is SUPER SUPER SOFT and I am SUPER SUPER HAPPY! YAY!!!
Uncle2's fam went over to Grands' place today and saw them there. Hongkai is very big size and musular-looking now. HAHAHA! You wont believe that he is the same age as Jonathan. Both Primary 3!
Uncle2 is still as SBGL as ever!!!!!
Mummy: "Eh your Hongkai very big already hor"
Uncle 2: *poke hongkai's kukubird hard and repeatly* "Ya, here big here big"
Ahma : "Dont make him paisey la you -.-"
Uncle 2 to Mui : *in his usual calm yet serious tone* "Your head is getting bigger"
Played with him OHELLO - Uhs is this what you called it(?), when I slept-over at grands' place that day. Nevmind about the name. Main point was I owned him! :D
What bully ._. He was winning at first okay, and then he kinda got hao lian thats why he lost! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Me : " Eh TonTon!"
Him :" WHAT?!?"
I LOVE SLEEPING OVER AT GRANDS' PLACE! Totally awesome with no naggings from Mum and so much loves from AhMa! Ahma will cook for me so may food and she always knows what I am craving for! She is super awesome! Ahgong used to cook together with Ahma food for me or he will go ta-bao chilli crab and all for me. So much PAMPERING!
But now, he is not well :( I just miss the way he used to ask me to eat, and the way he used to call me to check if I have eaten even ewhen Mum is at home. Sighhhhh dont wanna say anymore. I feel like crying already .... A totally life time regret I will never be able to make it up to him. MUST SPEND MORE TIME WITH THEM! Prolly moving over to stay with them already during schooldays.
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