Cool effects behind. Christmas Camping at East Coast last year.
Helloyoho! It's bedtime now and I should be sleeping. I have decided to go out earlier everyday because of stalkers -.- I only realise after Mui told me about it last night. True or not I dont know. But I trust my own eyes. Hahs!
So, today water was out. Seeked "refuge" at Grands' place. They were so happy I bought them chao-kuei-tiao. I promised them anyway :) AhGong loved the poh-pian and even said :"好吃" to me in hokkien. It just meant so much to me you know! He's a stroke paitent fyi. Ordered extra big packet of chao-kuei-tiao fro blk 201 for them because Grands said they wanted that last week.
The one at interchange is not good enough. Hate that.
This week Ahgong says he wants pineapple and Ahma said she only want me to be there(awwwwwww) ... Okay laaaa I will ;)
Dinner was settled at Grand's place (duhhhhh) and Jonathan has a puking-gross earthworm. Wang ba dan -.- Ahma prepared many many of my favourite dishes. It's like always because I have alot of favourite food xD
Bus-ed home after that and Mum long-bang me home on her bike. It was all going so peaceful and nice and relaxing because she was cycling so slowly and I loved the night's atmosphere. AND THEN! Out of a sudden ..... *zoooooooom* A guy on a mountain bike just cycle pass us.
Mum was super "不爽"like that and SHE SPEEDS UP WITHOUT WARNING SAYING : "WHAT?!?!? YOU WANT TO BI-AH(fight/challenge) isit?" And then she laughed.
I literally fall backwards(almost). Can you imagine that? ZZZZZZZ !
I have a crazy yet adorable Mum. Hearts and hugs!
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