Helloyo! Dont ask me why, but I am still feeling very high. Prolly because of weather. Must be.. Its nice and cool and it looks like its gonna rain. Shiok!
Tired, sleepy and still damn high. LOL.
Kay today's tuesday with webdesign. Pon maths lecture and went for lunch at century with the 2 monSTARS. Teehee. Came home and almost fell asleep again. Luckily Jenny called me just in time. If not, cham. Like that time comprog. Bathed and rushed out to meet Jenny, LaoDa ,Sammy and Cihui. (Y)(Y)(Y)
Studied awhile of engfund, and played with a new game on Sammy's laptop. Plants VS Zombies? Nice! Kay then atudy abit more and went bused home with LaoDa blah blah blah. Tmr's engfund quiz. Half dead. Note - I didnt say die okay. Half dead means still got chance.
Meeting Aloy to go to school together tmr morning ;] Nights.
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