School today was ALMOST awesome if not for Maths Lecture. First of all , I did my Engfund Lab all myself and bulb lighted up! *show off* Happy happy happppppyyyy !!!!
Okkay la, I did asked Yasin for help in writing the numbers and tiny weeny not-really-important-part like what is "Z". *blink blink* And that Lab Session ended early like always! Arul rocks beh? =/ Went for a little brweak at ITAS Canteen where Diyana cried because her tomyam noodle was too spicy.

Then came the boring like always Maths Lecture. Superb boring! That's most prolly why Mp3s were invented. LOL! Its really very very boring till I can die you know _l_ Mary's Lecture was next. It ended with less than 30mins of talking. AWESOME!!! If only every lectures are like this. Hah, if only.
Went Tmall again after school with Xinyi, Sean and Jenny for lunch. The rest came later cause they turned into
Alrighto! Now ..... 我要用华文来 blog了.
那天小明 请我和欣佁吃 ice-cream (来孝敬他妈妈和阿姨) . So sweet hor? 都说我们不想吃了他还跑去买.
妈妈 和 小明
小明(with his chinese accent) : "你最好记住我的名字. 不然我打你 !!!"
不会啦. 我开玩笑而已!!!
都是 Kenneth 的错???
辛苦了大家, before BBQ.
Hahaha! I dont want type in chinese already. So leceh~ F-ing waste my time. Term test is coming up. Like WTHello so fast?!? I thought school just started only? Okay, I am currently waiting like a idiot for the starhub delivery man to come knocking with my new modem (is this how you spell it?) -O- Hopefully he come sooner cause my eyelids are so heavy already.
Tonight prolly will sleepover at Grands' place cause Ahgong is not feeling well :( Its been so long since I sleepover there. TEEHEE!
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