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I believe in lies and doubt truths. I forgive cause I forget. I wish fairy tales exist.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

is fucking tomorrow. I need to touch up on my slides and I need to understand what is variable, int, flow, and many many other comprog stuffzxzxz.


By hook or by crook, I must pass every single modules!!! Oh ya. I still have a maths paper; sample test question that I have yet to try.

*sigh again*

I cannot seem to stop watching Boy-over-flowers online. Its just so tempting you know. Everyone around me just should not stop talking about it to me and they jolly well know how much i love the storyline and is trying to refrain from watching it until I get my thing done. Especially, that annoying Mui.
Sometimes, I really want to bitch slap her.
I am now in my room trying to concentrate doing my powerpoint slides and she cant leave me alone. M-S-N ! I blocked her, then shouts from outside:"you think you offline i scared?"

WHATEVER! I told her to go eat shitz and she started talking craps like "ula kiki lu jo yo ti ljuai?" Annoying!

Tmr I will be meeting Aloy early to bus to school together. MUST NOT BE LATE. He's going to school together with me even though his lesson starts later. So sweeet of him ;)

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