I am skipping extra Maths lesson tomorrow for SEAL points sake ;) Tata maths!

Formal wear next week, so I started to flip my kupboard and storeroom around hoping to find something formal. All I have are formal dresses. And presentations are not wedding dinner =P Did you watch Channel 8 last night? Michelle and Shawn's Wedding dinner with dessert buffet! *drool*
I found something. I guess I just have to make do with what I have found.
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Dont wanna be a spoiler. Yet I cant wait to see what others are going to wear. Dont know why...
I think the guys are having more advantages when it comes to formal wear. I see many guys wearing formal wears on any typical days. It seems so easy and normal to them loh. MOST I see around wears their formal wear very well and its hot :) I seldom see girls wearing formal wears maybe its because girls' formal wear tend to be abit over at times. Oldish ~
Ahyi is coming over to lend me her bag this weekend.
Formal wear + My school backpack = CMI (cannot make it)
And she says if she dont like my wear, she is going to bring me shopping :D :D :D & If I don't like her bag, I am going over to her house to choose. This lady got lots of bags! Haha, and she signed up max mobile for me today. (L) her manxzxzx!
Just now, I stayed back in school for BBQ planning in the Project Room.
Now, I just need to sleep.
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