"ding dong ding tonggggggg,"
okok, I need to start studying and stop watching my dramas. Self movtivation needed! Awwww , LMH, LHJ AND KB is sooo cute :D Well, at least I am not that crazy like Mui is crazy over her 灰轮海 . ALAMAK I TELL YOU! (you would know if you reads my previous post*wink*)
SEEEE I SIDE TRACKED AGAIN. I was supposed to self movtivate myself. TSK.
kkk !!! If I study now, _________________ . IDONTKNOWHOWTO. Help?
Aneways, I will be in school early tomorrow! Like around 8am? Ya for what right? So that I will not be late. SUMPA! So maybe I can spent the extra time in school sleeping or reading up on more maths.

"Must revise maths okay? :D"
Okkay la. To be frank, another reason why I am still online is becauuse I am downloading all of the original BOF soundtracks. HEHEEEEE ~ But the ass download speed is damn slow today. Dont know whye :(

" Worth the wait!" LOL
Anyone know functions? I reckon most of you know(DUHHHHHH) since the test is tmr. Functions is damn leceh, troublesome, and non-sense. I got that when Mr _________ (uhs what his name? LOL) is explaining. But when I lift my pen up, hold it in my hands and want to start doing, my mind just blanked out like uhhhhhh how to do. =/
"You put flour into the machine, you get prata. Now I give you prata put in the machine, YOU give me flour. " SEEKO.
不是我笨, 是你爱吃塞. HAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!

"Remember to send MsLAu your ppt slide after this wokay? ;)"