Sounds disgusting but damn yummy to a HUMONGOUS extent that Uncle 2 can come all the way down from Woodlands to her place just to eat and tao-bao it home.
How can I resist it man?!?

I managed to convinced myself its alright. Eat already then say.
Haha, Aloy says my grandma is cute. SHE IS :D
Ok, I shall tell an AUTHENTIC GrandmotherStory :D
Today I ordered alot of appereals online. ( Yay to Online-shopping!(L) )
But I predicted that the 2 Shipments wont reach Singapore before Poly Starts. So I am afraid that that no one will be at home when the shipment arrive. Smart and Clever Yours truly *heehee* decided to direct all Shipments to Grandma's place instead cause she's at home everyday or at least, the maid will be.
To confirm her house Address, I rang her up.
Me: "Hello Ahma! Li ay teh-chi si si-mi? Sin-ga-po si-mi?"
Meaning: Whats your address and postal code
Ahma : Bedok park{ "park" in hokkien means North if i am not wrong }
Me : "Wa zhai si bedok park."
Meaning : I know its bedok North.
Then I went on to ask to refer to the address on her Bills letters. And told her to read me the many many number with **9(her block number) behind.
Ahma: "0*******"
She gave me a srting of absurd number. HAHAHAHA
Me : "Huh? Zhin ay bo?"
Meaning : Really meh?
Ahma: "ZHIN AY!! Gou wu ou bei wa waik bu tio!"
Meaning: Really! But still got some behind I cannot see!
I was like this after hearing what she said -->

So I told her nevermind, wait for mum to confirm with me. Cause where got postal code so funny one. And from what I remember it starts with "4" not zero.
Then she probe on on why I want her address for what...
Me: *in a serious-but-i-am-joking manner* I want to write you LOVE LETTER
Ahma: *laughs* "Zhin ay bo? Ho ah li kong ay!"
Meaning: True anot? Ok you say one. '
Then she contniue telling me what Grandpa say when she told him she want to hold hands! OMG!

SEE WHAT I MEANT uh huh uh huh?!
Really its grandmama story. Other then its tenny weeny lou-sou -.-
I give you more of JY(L)(L) :D

I prefer to taiwan version of Meteor Garden to the Japan one cause got JY & Barbie Hsu. Korean one I havent watch it yet, so no comment!
I have another shipment to my house. Total 3 shipments! :D I will be having another shipment to confirm on Sunday. So total 4 shipments! WOORAY!
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