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I believe in lies and doubt truths. I forgive cause I forget. I wish fairy tales exist.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Meet me on Thames Street
I’ll take you out though
I’m hardly worth your time
In the cold you look so fierce
But I’m warming up because the tension's like a fire "

I have these few lines ringing in my head these days. Damn, today was a perfect day to sleep in but bloody hell. I slept less than usual cause mummy got paranoid about me missing my checkup appointment so she appointed grandma to ring me up early in the morning WITHOUT my consent.
Apparently she doesn't trust me with this kind of stuffs -.-
Grandma called early but i was sleeping like a log so i only manage to "sense" the ringing in the noon.
ITS RAINING! Come on man.
Cant a girl have her sleep in peace on a rainy-nice-to-sleep-day?!?
And how and i suppose to hear the phone with the LOUD raindrops rhythm.

The very first thing i heard when i woke up was ....

"OI LIEN ! LI EH TIAN WAY KA QIU TIAN A SAI HIT TIAO LIAO LA!" (p/s, she was practically screaming in my ears.)

( me still blurr and wonders who will ask me throw my phone away.... Ya, maybe JIAMIN =x)

" huhhhhhhh hello ahma arhhhhhhh? zuo miiiiiiiiiii?! *yaaaaaaawwwwnnnns* "
Which means : Hello ahma? What thing?

" WA CHA KI KA DAO JI KUN, LI KAN TIAH? WAAAAA ~~(damn annoyed)"
Which means : I from morning call until now you then pick up.

Obviously she got irritated with the "pointless" callings.
Ya then she went on telling me no wonder mummy doesnt trust me with this kind of thing. Sad face sad face sad face sad saddddd saddddddd faceeeeeee.

But again.

I felt kinda proud of myself today.
I single gun one horse(单枪匹马) walk into the clinic and do xray. First time doing xray, surely got many doubts. But ME BRAVE. Happy face happy face happy face happeeeee faceeeee.
But luckily got many poly people doing check up there do. So maybe thats the reason =p

The nurses and doctor were like damn friendly. Like as if they were my long lost sisters.
And i saw a cute baby and a cute guy. The baby is cute and real, the guy is cute and real and a poster on the wall.

I'm off *poof*

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