What a funny way to start a post. By drooling, hah lol !
I've beening ransacking and tossing over my house in search for Meteor Garden VCD. Gaga, I felt so stupid last time. Spent $100 plus just on one set of drama. The price tag's still on the box. I felt cheated. $100 plus for a set of VCD drama, daddy must be a fool to buy it then.
But still I love that drama damn loads! *ahem* I love JY too :D
In any case you dont what is the hot Meteor Garden drama I am talking about ,,,,

Hi ever-slow ducky !! *frantic waves* Quack?!
(For the above) Quacky quack?!?

Hi JY shuai ge :D
Now you know what I mean uh huh uh huh

Go google his pictures yourself if you wanna oogle more. Aiyo, haahaaaa ~
Grandma has been treating me like a Farm-animal these days.
She know I bloody hell couldnt resist her 拿手好菜 so she kept cooking and cooking and cooking. And me ate and ate and ate with realizing that I should watch my diet and control my weight.
Finally, she told me her intention only yesterday.
"zou mi li buay bui ah? gou cheik leh~ ai gui oak liao"
Meaning : Why you wont fat one ah? Eat somemore leh. School gonna reopen already.
No wonder she has been even more busying in kitchen. Why I didnt I realsie her intention earlier ?

Now, I some how sympathise with the chickens, ducks and pigs at the farm. Oh ya, cows also.. Mooooooooo ~
School gonna start, big deal mehxzxzxz ?!?
I ask again.
School gonna start, big deal meeehhhhxzxzxz ?!?
Yes, it mean a deal to me but not big. Cause I cant have long sleeping hours already. Ah my life

Ok, because school is gonna start, I wanna sleep early. Its 2.45 am now. Last night I went to bed at 11.30 because Mom screamed and yada yada in my ears. And I fall asleep around 2.30 -.-zzz
Goodnight, and Jerry Yan is wooooooooooolala/
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