Daddy drove me home tonight. Cause it was the night, when pens and paper decides a point of no return. I dont know if I should be happy about it or not. I dont know what the future holds for us, but I should just think positive and things as they come instead of feeling negative for all those that have yet to come.
Then daddy finally DISMANTLED the cupboard/shelf/seat at our door to retrieve out the $200 birthday angbao Ahgong gave sis more than a decades back. I miss Ahgong's voice, but now I am just gladly tell him not to worry cause we remembered what he said before he was sick, to take out that $200 stuck there :)
I am still hoping for the best for ahgong. A good man like him doesn't deserve all these pain and suffering. God please bless him.
Day 6 - a stranger.
A stranger. Reminds me of something =(
Someone once told me that someone dear/special to him has now become a stranger. It was a double ouch for me. Ouch that he had to feel that pain, and ouch that someone was as special as me before I came along.
Sometimes, it makes me think...
If I never came along, will that someone still be thinking of the stranger or even pinning his hopes up for that now "stranger" to him???
Or even if after I came along, there's still in place in him somewhere real deep down, somewhere called memory lane where that "stranger" and their memories stays forever.
Lol troll moment ; I am actually
I tend to think alot. Too much thoughts and sometimes, the hurt I feel inside me are self inflicted. Like you know much how you enjoy someone's company and how you want them to be in your life for good. Then suddenly the idea of how that all these awesome and sweet feeling you are feeling now for that someone wouldn't even exist if SOMEONE was still with that STRANGER. Cause if that someone is still with that "now-stranger" he wouldn't even see you like how he would know.
If he's still with that stranger, and he wouldn't see me like how he does now. WHY WOULD I BE EVEN AFFECTED?? :) cause I wouldn't even know how it feels like then right!!!
HAHAHAHA!! See i tell you i think too much liao :P
Okay okay no emo emo!!! CHANGE TOPIC!!
"EH!!! You are the who right?! Remember me not??? We sit beside each other in primary school one !!?"
then say
"OH PAISEH, WRONG PERSON" and just walk away leaving the person STUNNED.
HAHAHAHA!! Now year 3, I told her to upgrade abit. This time round when you see a person in a stationary car in the carpark or road side, JUST GO IN AND SIT!!! Then after sitting in the car.... just say OH WRONG CAR and walk out XD
She say she's gonna wear those black TUDUNG that only show her eyes before she does that. OMG confirm funny!!! Gonna try pyscho her to do that! \m/
Alright! Need to go lala land and find my Kangaroo now! Yay!!!
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