Had fun treating people to aijisen in the name of 大便. Heh cause I kinda spam : "I treat you aijisen" using his phone." Dont judge me!
Then Jenny met up with her mum for tissue shopping at NTUC. Well kinda, when the most visible thing in their trolley is tissue. ONE HEAP OF TISSUE LEH ! How can we turn a blind eye to it :P
When homez to get my laptop with 大便 while Jenny when home with her Mum.
Then this is what happen after getting my laptop from home....
ps, ignore my hair, that was like EVEN BEFORE i go cut my hair :(

Hah round head!!!
Slacked around and met up with Alan to do IA in till 11am in school since all mac is power short. Tsk. There's a reason why I went home to get laptop rightz?
Okay la till then. Love, L.
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