
Crazy raving craze.
HULLO !!! I have another to get item. Now what I need is money. And apparently they say time equals money, I have alot of time SO WHY DONT I SEE THE MONEY? Ni nai nai. Why cant god be good, and rain money for a day. If mum gives me pocket money to reward me for second I breathe, I will be stinking rich. HOHOHO.
Ok, I know. I am talking rubbish again. So tmr I going shopping @ bugis street. arhhh ~ The pancakes there. Yummy. Its a must have when I go there. Seoul Garden on thursday. Its okay. A facebook application says I need to gain 8.88kg to reach my perfect weight. Reliable or not? Source? Cross- reference? Factor one and reason. Factor 2 and reason. Weight your points. Conclude. Social studies.
But I wont get fat now cause I am having M. Second time in a row, I am having twice a month. Argh! This time not so bad still cause its almost a month already. But at least, I can eat more with ease.
Kay now,

[above] You should watch this movie !
Yes, he's the one in my blogsong currently. lol.
[above] Start from 22 sec.
And watch out for 32 sec.
Should I

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