Nice anot?! Finally changed my previous problematic blogskin away(erk!) I was searching for ransacking my brain for my new blogskin last night & i thought of this. N-I-C-E !

Today was a homie day for me. Internet explorer got a annoying virus, cant be cured laaa. Switched to Mozilla Firefox (: Not that bad actually!
Searched for base codes online and edited this skin with sweat. HAHAHAHA ~ Not that kua zhang la. But it did took me quite a long time cause this skin doesnt work well in Mozilla when it works in I.E. Then it worked in Mozilla but didnt work in I.E -.-
So had to do the whole thing until it works for both. I.E and mozilla cannot pei he each other one leh. So this is the best i can do lor

Imeem is not Mozilla friendly. No wonder music cant be played. 害我一直upload music一整天还是不能听。 原来是mozilla的错。Waste my time only

(Blogger is getting irritating with the red-underline-words thing.)
Wanted to try something out-of-place for imeem. So created the pink border box on top but it did really seems abit out of place in the blogskin. I think it looks nicer before adding in the imeem =/
Help me out : Try picturing the skin without the pink box. Does it looks nicer? Pretty please *winks*
I seem to be

By the time they finish painting the building, I can sing you guys a few or at least one of their songs already. P.S : I AM NOT BEING RACIST OK. It's just that i need a peaceful sleeping time -.- (Although 11.30am is reasonable for them to start painting but the music ....)
Daddy's birthday is this coming Sunday :D *JUMPS*
Hieng I am only flying off on Monday still can celebrate with him. Bought him a nice Zinc waist pouch together with lil'o sis.
Grandpa's birthday is next Friday. God Damn yo. Im still not back yet
Shall make it up to him when i get back then (:
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