YEH YEH YEH YEH !!! The long awaited trip is finally tml ! TMD, I havent been wanting to go australia for such a long time already leh -.- Thanks Ahyi for sponsoring the trip. And mummy for sponsoring me the stuffs essential to make the trip possible. Really. *bow down*
I have every thing i need for the trip except that my baobei phone is at sony erisson center. NB. 真该死!!!The LG(Life's Good) phone im currently using SUCKS. It has function no more that call and sms(i don't know if that thingy is even considered as sms anot

Saturday(yesterday) went to City Harvest to find Ahyi cause she say got some kind of miracle healer named Benny Hinns. I remembered he said this : "Destroy yesterday for the gain of tomorrow." I dont know about you. I kinda agree with him at first... not that i disagree with him now la. But without yesterday, would you even be in Today? Or was it that the yesterday he was referring to was some kind of bad incident? I dont know. I didnt catch half of the ball throughout the service. Was busy munching my DARS White Milk Chocolate in the dark. P/S : EATING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE HALL.

Then ...... Mummy told me this :
Her co-worker's aunt fell down in the toilet and was shouting for help to Her God. But in the end she stood up by herself.
Sis went on with a joke.
-- A village exprienced heavy rainfall was the whole town was flooded up to the roof top. A man was struck up on the roof of his house. Then a family in little boat row by and said:"Hope on in or you will drown if the water level gets high." The man replied:"No thanks, my God will save me."
The small boat rowed away. Then after awhile, a rescue helicopter came and told the man to get in. The man refused too saying this:"My God will come save me." Without able to do anyway, the helicopter went away too.
Soon enough, the water level went up. The man drowned. He went to heaven and came infront of his god. Being furious he asked his God:" Why didnt you save me and landed me in this state?!?!"
Funny right! HAHAHA ... So the moral of the
Abrupt ending. Continue tml morning.
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