nice day 2day horhs.?
i have been feeling real high recently & i cant wait for that outing man.
im waiting for my zinnnnngeeeeeerrr :XX
-to be continued/
CONTINUED @ 8.52pm
MY MY MY. just look at the drama list i have at the side of my blog at i CRAVE for.
dad says he's bring me to the cd shop that he often go. its has a lot varieties. and he got discount too, cox is is theREGULAR customer there. hahas. no doubt that we share the same blood. he and me indugle in dramas and videos and dvds. except he's more into violence, soccer and other stuffs. while im more into romances and errr, i dahnoe. we like comedies too. it makes us laugh like what the hell. LOLS-.
* CHAK CHING CHAK CHING * money flew away.
im going to buy another set for myself while waiting for daddy to bring me there. and when im there already, i will ask him to pay. \:
i sound so bad horhs. but. he's richer than me and thats a FACT.
SFL 2day was *BRRRRRRRR* freeeezing cold. and i almost hide inside my bag. i told joye and jiamin when i was inside. i said that they will have to carry me out later as i've been frozen to a statue le. LOLS. but iwas sooo damn damn cooooooooooooooold. Kay yuen had stomachache just now. & i told him to go dabian. but he said no, not dabian. *SHRUGS* i can see that its so painful caws his face went red....?
and i got 13/16 for yesterday maths test. and miss harveen gave me a chocolate. and the prob is that, i FUCKINGLY LOST MARKS FOR NOT WRITING REASONS. FUCK. ): kay yuen said to me that he would get FULL marks if he had come to take the test yesterday. * sheeeesh *
bullshit. :X
but who knows, maybe it will happen.
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