xD xD xD
new blog song ; 迷路兵-我为什么还爱你
人的忍耐是有限度的。you are seriously getting on my nerves man, CHICKEN BRAIN.
wait till i get the chopper and chop your CHICKEN BRAIN out and laugh at how small and empty it is. WAHAHAs. and by then, run home and cry mummie then. *POOOXX POORK( chicken calls )* you are just a coward who shirk you responsibilities and consequences of what ill deedSSS you have done. and when people stares at you, you dig a hole in your textbook and hide yourself in it. hahahas. CHICKEN BRAIN. if you are sooo afraid of people staring are you, den don go provoke them, CHICKEN BRAIN. ooops. i think i MISUNDERSTOOD you. you are just a chicken brain. how would you even understand such simple FACTS.
*POOOXXXRK POOOOOOOOOXXX* i pity you, cause you donoe what happiness is all about and that you have to ACT COOL everyday in school to blend in and so people wont even dare to stare at you. but,! i can seriously tell you that you have FAILED. people do stare at you. and you get yourself into deeeeeeep shit with the school and you still wanna ACT COOL.
boh bian, CHICKEN BRAIN is lidat that de mahs. PEOPLE, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND.

FYI: this chicken brain is no friend of mine. ITS just someone whom everyones know. maybe to some of them ; a coward. (:
seee. i din use any vulgarties. CHICKEN BRAIN is SO NOT! a vulgarity.
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