i have nothing to post about now. LOLs. continue later ^^
CONTINUED @ 6.55pm
im thinking of changing my blog url again.
do you think it will be a good idea? LOOLS.
if i change now, relink will have to relink me again. and they don have the world's time man to relink me man.
and i would be lazy to tag people to relink.
BUT! i have a new & NICE url. sighs. nevermind. shall leave that to the later time.
be prepare to relink me. LOLS.
and i wont be at home on th weekends. i wont be online on the weekends. cause i shall be having a sleepover. and SUNDAY, i shall be at tuitionpoint helping out.
cause, TP has shift to a large area which is twice the size of the old one. *SIGHS*
it sure gonna be real buzy. but TP is still at tmart.
& i find my new blogskin easier to view. and nicer to view than the previous one. HEEs.
hieng. i got sick and tired of the previous one and it makes me change. LOLS/.
what shit im i crapping about. :X
i donnoe.
this is like such a random post norhs.
today's f&n practical was like sooooo *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs*
the curry that jeremy cooked went chao dahk.
the curry that khairul cooked was tooo wateryyyyyyy but it smelled fragnant.
the rice that me and glenn cooked was like sooo sui bian.
and both jeremy and khairul poured their curry together into my container.
and it was like mixed toooo curry together. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewws.
and jeremy asked me to eat the curry for all my meals everyday.
:/ later lau sai.
ohs, another thing.
i got so pissed off by my bitch sister who think she is a adult and
hao lian infront of her friends. and her friends was like leading her stray. and i locked outside the house. because she wants freedom. and she thinks this house has no freedom. so im granting her freedom by locking her outside. HAHS! she went
BANG BANG BANG BANG! on the house door. and you can hear me snigger-ing inside. * LAUGHs * and the laugh has made cool me off and made me fall off my chair. she was locked outside for merely 1omins. i was being merciful *WINKS*
HAHHAHAHAHAS. i sound so evil here for locking her outside.=. LOLS. but im a kind soul granting someone who is desperate of wanting freedom, freedom.
next time you should try. lock your house door from inside (the one with no keys holes from outside) when your younger siblings goes out.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
i forgot to post about the church outing. *SIGHS*
i shall post it when im free and not lazy. * WINKS*
and i love the weather this few days. but i find it abit to cool. my hands and feets are like cold-blooded. O: *SHRUGS*
i gtg. BYESSS.