im back home.
awww. went for sleepover at ah gong ah ma hse.
it was fun and it adds calories.
LOLS!! ah ma pampers us with our fave soups & dishes EVERY meals.
thursday afternoon.
went to tiong bahru plaza and BUGIS STREET.
shop shop shop.
$$$$ fly fly fly.
have fun though.
went back to ah ma hse at 12PLUS.
we went to have dinner at " nice smelling mountain " ;香山酒楼.
hahahs. sooooooooooooooooooooooo damn yummy.
especially the shark fin soup and that prawns.
OMGG! *drooooolsssss!*
i ate ate ate. soo delicious. you shld go and try it out too.
the price it quite reasonable ; $200 plus plus plus plus.
$$$$$ fly away again.
saturday went giant and ikea with ah ma at 3pm.
on the way, saw 2 "statue". show the pictures below.
stood there like idiots watching them and
when we came back at about 9plusplus,
3pm we saw it den at 9plusplus pm, ITS STILL THERE unchanged!
the statues are still there!
eat eat eat again.
mom bot many many snacks, SUSHI and tibits.
oohs ohs.
i really need to cut down on the calories.
saw tian sheng there. he grew tall tall tooooo.
dat time saw kenny there. he also grew tall tall.
sunday came { MOTHER's day},
i was at ah ma alone.
mom and mei went back to tuitionpoint.
ringed up ah yi to ask her where is she caws im bored wants her to bring jonathan to me.
she said : you bored? i order oishi pizza for you want?
i nodded like at if she could see lidat.
how many times i have asked mom to order pizza for me and yet she forgets?
but ah yi auto order for me thus ah ma asked me to call ah yi - MUMMY.
huiyi and family came before the pizza came and went home before the pizza came.
hahas, wasted.
the pizza came, it was TWO large!
omg. huiyi and family wenthome already. how am i suppose to finish all these?
it was soooo much calories.
one was tepiyaki black pepper chicken and one was kimchi. OMG! im starting to drool again.!!!!
den ah yi came to help me finish that pizzas.
jonathan was hao-lianing to me that he got the pebbles.
i gave a mere stare and i shocked that jon reply with ah beng tone : WHAT! what ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! *gives expression like wanna fight*
omg. is that my innocent lill cousin? he is only pri1. and he have changed soo beng since he went to pri 1.
den ah yi went home, SHAOQI came.
he grew sooooo tall.
i used to be taller than him.
but now. i m shorter.
why do boys grew tall soooo fast?!!!
we crap like GAGAS.
and his dad cooked curry crab.
there was a big spread if yummmy dishes on the table.
eat eat eat again.
see what i mean.
its not even holiday and i am already putiing on weight.
damn it!!!
the temptations are really hard to resist.
shall stop. now its pictures time(:

the home threatre dad bot for his office. -.O

i want want want!!!


he was eating and drinking and when he saw me taking his photos,

he gave me a STARE and say ; WHAT LAHS!

there are more pictures but i was busy eating and there food are eaten fasten even b4 i could take pictures.



i ate one pizzah by myself. OMG.
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