I love you, in my own selfish way x.

A new year has come. Well, every ending is a new beginning. For me, its only the beginning of changes. So many things waiting to fall into a new place for us. I just hope everything will turn out good or even better! Hiakkkkkkkk~
I have no new year resolution. I refuse to admit that I have.
I no believe in new year resolutions. I much rather believe in AIMS/GOALS/TARGET. Things that are set throughout the year with the need or want to do so. Not just making resolutions cause ITS NEW YEAR. Get what I mean???
Some aims I have set to achieve ASAP or by end of 2012.
- My bank AH-COW to hit 5 digits.
- A pretty new room. (No more master bedrooms for me please. I have been living in 1 since I is baby. Its about time I stop living like a queen and give it back to my parents! Plus, heheehe scare next time no chance stay in 1 forever meh??? :P)
- Bring mum overseas.
- Get a job after graduation with a good pay.
- Motivate or support big butt boy ♥ in his studies or whatever he wants to do after he ORD.
- Cure my short term memory. HAHAHAHA!!
Okay, 2 weeks of my last term break in tp is coming to an end tmr. Been really working my ass off literally. Missed xmas eve with my big butt boy ♥ and new year eve was awesome with mango clique and ANGRY WITH AHNEHNEHS. Seriously? I am not racist, but WHY THEY SO ARGH!! I cannot imagine how chinese people in Singapore are shunning the idea of having more babies...
Just think. *ahem* OTHER RACES(eh i never mention any particular race arh), are okay with giving and giving and giving and giving birth to babies??!!?!?! Next time chinese jiu from majority become minority. Hahahaaha random thought arh, I is
Long story cut short. Me and sis went atm withdraw money after work on new year eve. A previous user of the atm machine we using forget to take her money after she withdraw. A ahnehneh from the atm beside saw, FASTER SNATCH AWAY THE $50. WTF? Then she went on lying say she will go return to the owner but she went on to tap in to the mrt. Lol me and sis was cursing her all the way. $50 was a worth a day of leg strength standing at mango mah.
Hahahaha epic curse:" kns, I hope she meet red light at every junction everyday."
Okay liaooxzxzxz I want go lalaland find my big butt boy♥ see he got talk to other girl girl there not :P Night night!!!

The argumentative couple.
The couple that always fights, yet they never have the guts to leave each other.
The ‘IT’ couple.
The couple that everyone wishes to be. The one couple that everyone looks up too. and wishes to have such a relationship.
The playful couple.
The relationship everyone wishes they had with their significant one. Where they can play practical jokes on each other, and yet still find each other way too resisting.
The romantic couple.
The couple that always has everything planned out for each other. Anniversaries. Holidays. They both know what to do for one another. and always plans something just to see the other one smile.
The risky couple.
The couple that took the risk of falling in love with each other. And yet, still have the feelings that they had, when they first fell for one another.
The ‘trying’ couple.
The couple that always seems to have most problems. But always keep trying, because losing each other would be the worst thing for them.
The ‘perfect’ couple.
A couple that is just satisfied to have each other. With them, and yet so far away.