I was really trying to concentrate that day when studying for netfund...
(and you know when i really focus and want to absorb what I was studying, i use my finger to point as i read)
Then when i see the pretty pink, I got distracted =.= BIMBO MUCH!
Now I know why they dont allow nail polishes(esp bright colored ones) in secondary school and primary school. Its very distracting for the student herself and as well as other students.
Weather is fucking hot these days. I have switched on the aircon for 3 days straight and I dont wish to step out of my room because it fucking fucking hod~ Taking shower in betweens and weather like this is best for bubble baths. If only I have a plasma next to my bathtub :(
Luxuries heh heh heh.
I also die from heat stroke when I switch off my aircon on the 4th day.
YES. Heavy head, dizzy and I really didnt know wth i was talking about...
Jennifer Tan challenged me on her blog. WANG BA DAN. She created a slide show for her idol(kim hyung joong) and ask WHERE IS MY JERRY YAN'S Slide show. Fine. I will do one .... next time. haha lazy :P
Jerry Yan hot no matter what okay

, you watch out.
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