"From a certain point onwards there is no turning back. That is the point that must be reached."
— Franz Kafka

Wednesday. Another day down.
Cds tut today was interestingly fun and drama. (Y)(Y)(Y)
We, as a all girl group, was given a subject prostitution and we have to list all the pros and cons, effects of it. Hahahaha we was quite stunned at first because we dont know what to write for the advantages(cause we see none at all!). Well except that those unfaithful bastards and sluts to die from HIVs.
Kay, maybe not some who are being forced, cheated, or some other reasons.

Things got fun in the end. And we was like the most drama and noisy group. HOHOHO.
Home after that.
:) :D xP !!!!
I fell asleep unknowingly just now. Heehee. Goodnight loves!

Meh breakfast tmr!
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