“ One good thing about music: when it hits, you feel no pain. ”
— Trenchtown by Bob Marley

Hullooooo world.
I hate empty promises especially those even deny making the promises to the bottom bottom. Totally suckers! Not pointing to anyone.
I am having bad temper recently.
Captain ball match was cancelled. Was rather looking forward to it. I LOVE WATCHING INTERCLASS GAMES! Very exciting what =p Now, I have to wait for another week. Nevmind.
Impromptu shopping with Ohm after school today. Busy women = us!
New pretty nails!
Lol at my cute pens in the background!

Cherry pink-red are like my second fave color! (I have alot of stuffs in that color and I love them! =p Luggage, drawers, ear piece,containers and other barangs barangs..)
I think it goes well with eblue, another of my fave color! Niceeeee ! I am going to get eblue nail paints soon for the sake of getting it. Lol. White is still my first!
Fell asleep after soon after. Woke up to watch my baby bonus - final episode.
Hi my blueberry chessecake. Imissyousomuch. I tried to get you again today,
but you were sold out!

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