Bugis fun today with awesome people after engfund paper. Mango is hiring us during our hols period and I need BLACK tops. Seriously, if you know me well/long enough, you'll know I never have a single black top. I only started to own one(the one i worn today, see pictures below) this year and another good-for-nothing polo tee I bought for overseas trip this year too.
Attire requirements for that job - Full black.
I dont like black, and now full black. Whats more, it really must be full black with no logos, graphics prints ._.
Chicken pie. I never liked the color black well enough.
And no logos? Fine, I will stuck fresh Mangoes on my chest on top of the polo logo. Graphics, prolly I will just lick it off.

Super cams clicks!
Xinyi and sylvia each bought tops and bottoms from bugis while jenny and I did not. Partly because nothing caught my eye. And also, I have more than enough clothes in my luggage! (HAHA!) Oh ya, And Sean the carrier did not buy anything except arcade tokens and more arcade tokens for us - girls, to play -o-
很浪费饯咯, 但是还是很谢谢你啦,小明 !!!


More pictures to come, take from Jenny or Sylvia or Facebook the Great.
Facebook is entertaining for awhile yesterday cause I just created my restaurant in restaurant city. Look for my restaurant - Hungry Papayas , ok? :D Then I got bored of it last night. Its really no life : sign in, pick garage from others' restaurant, feed your restaurant helpers, sit there stare at screen and watch your money increase. Thats all. Its just goes on in cycles! No life leh. Sighs. I dont even bother to trade ingredients already. So not user friendly for me =S
Pictures taken today too, I shall just come up will some random captions or storylines (not true/real - fiction) while I go along ok? :D Captions below every pictures.
Pee/ass, photos are NOT arranged or uploaded in sequence beforehand. It's all part of the fun =P
小明 : One picture only okay? ONE OH-NEEEEEEEEE LAAA *uses his loud voice*
Xinyi : Dont force me I tell you. I shy shy one you know!
Then finally, Xinyi poses a quick as lightning pose.
Xinyi : Ok la ok la. *pose*
Xinyi : See I tell you already. I too shy to take la! Somemore later you know you know ~
小明 : A picture only whaaat. WHY-SO-SERIOUS?
Background voicesssss :
Goodnight all for now! Thanks for the great day ;)
[More came @ 6.46pm]
The day ended with a surprise gift for Sean, hah! Sylvia, faster upload the photos. I TAKE AWAY YOUR SIMS3 ARH~

Bus-ed home around 7plus. There's a pervert on the bus -.-
Mum was blowing her top off at home. She received a warning letter from tp. Reached home, had a heated argument . Dissappointed and angry. I threw her my ezlink card and asked her to check if I took the bus to school on that affected day. Sorted things, after we both cooled down. 原来是吴会一场, 没什么事啦 . Case closed!
搞了一个大大大 的乌龙 !
他妈的 T_____T
Mum apologied for flaring up before getting the facts right. And I apologied to Mui for blaming her opening up the letter when its not her who opened it. It was Mum herself.
Curses for the person who sent me the letter. I curse you have piles.
Alright dearies, I'll be back *squint eyes and cold stare*
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