Today was BCC day, woke up at 1pm to get ready. Much photo spam in this post. I wore my school uniform today and it reminded me how warm it was and I forgot how to wear it properly cause I wore the wrong size. I wore the bigger size one for both blouse and skirt :(
And prolly because I slimmed down, the uniform is more baggy. HATE THAT.
Had not much time to camwhore with sis, so we camwhored in the lift, while walking and while waiting for the bus. Pro or what ?!?!

Had no chance to camwhore on the bus cause I was too busy adjusting my socks and ranting on how the way LaoMui wears my socks and expanding it! Its so loose, that eveytime I walk, it slips down to the middle of my soles. Bimbo.
Reached the CC with pulling-my-socks-up-every-five-steps. Collected our names stickers and was informed of our located seats. LaoMui was so sad she cannot sit with me. She called me when she is only siting 2 rows infront of me only -.- and kept coming to my row to say hi. HAHAHAHA! SEE HOW MUCH SHE MISSED ME?

[above] My name sticker.
And the orange means that
Went out to chat for awhile before the whole event started. One of our aims today was to take as many pictures together cause we missed that out while we were still studying together. One word, uniform.
AWKWARD! Many people was walking by. *shyshy* The oreo and lemon barley was free gift for every student.
Went in for event after Mummy pissed me off. There was 2 performance by 2 groups from the CommunityCentre. Not that great. I can see LaoMui giggling in her seat infront too. Then she turned and saw me giggling too. The students siting around us were like statue you know! Not a single movement from them even the performance
Finally ! The moment we are all there for! MONEY. LOL
That noob dont know to take picture one leh -o-
And happy us got money! xD Thanks, Ms Irene Ng (below) the MP.
CS-ed after that. Went by Mango and peeped in. Hahs!
Shopped around the malls after dinner. We went into the acrade FORGETTING THAT WE WERE ACTUALLY WEARING SCHOOL UNIFORM. Got chased out by the
不爽Mummy while walking out. : "I almost asked if she could take off her clothes and lend it us anot."
Lol! GL.
Watson spree after that, everything was crying so cheap! Mummy bought me a hair wax treatment thingy(hair as in the hair on my head not legs -.-) and I lovelovelovelovelove the SweetStrawberryYoghurt Scent. Makes me wanna eat it.
Last camwhore ;)
I think thats enough to reach our aim.
I need to sleep, Mango tomorrow :)