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I believe in lies and doubt truths. I forgive cause I forget. I wish fairy tales exist.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Nobody would ever thought that this will happen to me.
I didnt know what to do. I panic-ed. I took out my phone to and wanted to call some one urgently. Last call history was shing kun and jiamin other than my family. I called jiamin.
Cause, dad and mum are working and are uncontactable.

Finally, i reached mum. Why did she have to told me off instead of comforting me?
WHY? & Where's daddy?
I really need someone now to at least give a pat on my back or a hug and tell me everything is alright now.

You guys never know how i felt then.

Its not that i want this to happen. Why cant she understand?
Why cant they just give me a word of comfort instead of nagging and nagging?
Cant they see that im still very tramatized by it? Why must she keep rubbing in on it?

Dad says this is normal... Really?!?
He says this is what typical singapore girls will face... I dont think so. He says it matter isnt really that big.
Dad is a guy after all. He doesnt understands too.

Jiamin suggested me that i should report it to the police. Should I ?

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