blog blog blog! :D
GAHGAH! *pouts*
im away from computer for so many day liao horhs?
& this means, i havent do my fnn. heeheeeheeeeeeeee. xD
you all be my 证人(witness or something) ok arh?
ON AH! lets be safer. lets hook our pinkies.
so if tml ms ong question why i didnt my coursework, you all justify for me.
if not, i will err... stuff your mouth with buns!
sorry laaa. cant think of anything better. LOLS~!
*ahem!* its proves that i dont have a evil brain! *winks*
gobal warming! PUII!
seriously i tell you. im greaty affected by it lorhs.
hey! if you know me very well, you should know, i NEVER like hot weather.
they make me
the sweating thing is ok. but melt? NO WAY MAN!
why cant they plan a fire drill early in the morning when its still cooool, nice, and NOT WARM?
are you sick in your mind or are you just sick?
why plan a fire drill in the noon when the sun is directly above our heads?
ya. stop haolian-ing that you have air-con breeze la.
i go there fart then you know.
stink you to death!
i just have pe lessons and ran-walk 3 rounds around the earth, MIND YOU!
warning: never agitate a melting person. Highly explosive!
ok. im going to do my coursework now.
yes. i dont trust you guys that you will justify for me....
HAHA! tsktsktsk.
too bad lorhs.
BYES! [=
(&where have you been to when you serioulsy need at times x.)
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