i wasn't in a good mood today.
i was being very quiet in
dont ask me whye. i just wasnt in a good mood.
& and joye asked me whye did i pulled a looooong face today. and why i wasnt smiling and laughing like i usually do.
im sorry friends. i just feel depressed.
something's wrong. i sense it.
stayed back with azerie for the rehersal for the TEACHERs'DAY concert.
MCEE for teahcers'day and jeremy has already done the speech for the intro.
it was well-ly done as usual. (duuuhs! jeremy mahs.! )
& mdm noraidah even approved it.
in what ways does have the stupid unfriendly teacher have the authority to make us write it all over again?!
BLAHS her!
dragged myself home after that and still,
i wasnt in a good mood. yada-ed at mye sister.
^&* --- ; 别让我想念你。♥♥♥™
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