see wat i mean? GARY wear PIINK!
wo0ho0... yesherday was teacher's day. weets! the scho0l celebrati0n f0r teachers'day tis year was s0 b0ring. i was siting the lala-ing away. the perf0rmance was real b0ring except
f0r the sc0uts percussi0n tingy. YEAH!
later scho0l, i went t0 meet my primary scho0l de frens. w0w. it was really a BLAST. i enj0yed it. pssst. tell u all s0metingy. uu n0e my er zi dennis? yarrh. dat sh0rtie. he gr0wn taller den me le. i kinda n0rt use t0 t0king tu him wif my head lifted up. im m0re use t0 t0king tu him l0oking d0wn. we met at mac. den we chated.
hazel, xingyi, mai, elvira, carmen, sharron, kee hou, aisah, aqmar, nabil, gary, darren, zhao hui, dennis and me were all there.
den weijie came t0 find me. den i b0rr0wed bbal fr0m hym. caws dey all wanted t0 play bbal mahhs. den weijie went back h0me t0 take and we all meet him at backc0urt. dats when i started t0 feel bad. n0 lahhes. acutally is wen i ask him t0 h0me and take bbal dat tym. den we all play and den after dat we sat d0wn t0 chat at dhe vi0d deck. den wj was lyk left out and he was standing there while we are all siting d0wn. i asked him t0 sit d0wn den he d0wan. haiy0. i was lyk damn n0isy dat tym. keep on farn him t0 sit d0wn. yarh. at last he sit sit. budden n0rt wif us.. aiy0. i feel real bad caws i b0rr0wed bbal fr0m him and neglected him. haiish.
all the while while we were siting d0wn chatting, gary was smsing all dhe time. den after awhile, he sto0d up and went t0 l0ok f0r his stead. ahas. den went he came back, we went t0 tmart t0 slack again. we was lyk playing true 0r dare. WOO! it was real fun. YEA! gary was lyk there CRAPPING all the time. and me and sharr0n pulled gary int0 dhe girls t0ilet! YEAH!
we played true 0r dare. den dennis acted pro.
dennis: d0n play true 0r dare. we play all DARE.
den sharr0n turn dhe tingy purposely t0 dennis.
Dennis: walau. okies. wat dare?
sharr0n: i dare uu t0 sh0ut SHUAI GE t0 dhe guys there. and wen dhey turn ar0und, uu say BHB!
Dennis: huhh? dunn wan lahhes. i here n0 backing de. other ch0ices?
Darren: i dare uu t0 kiss sharr0n. ahas.
sharr0n st0od up and wanted t0 slap darren.
Sharron: i dare uu t0 t0 kiss the chair.
den dennis wen t0 take tissue and clean the chair. and head d0wn t0 kiss the chair.
den i push his head d0wn all the way.
OMG! he kissed the chair.
den we all went toilet and went they all walked past, we pulled them int0 the girls t0ilet. gary the unlucky one. we pulled his bag and shirt.
f0r the sc0uts percussi0n tingy. YEAH!
later scho0l, i went t0 meet my primary scho0l de frens. w0w. it was really a BLAST. i enj0yed it. pssst. tell u all s0metingy. uu n0e my er zi dennis? yarrh. dat sh0rtie. he gr0wn taller den me le. i kinda n0rt use t0 t0king tu him wif my head lifted up. im m0re use t0 t0king tu him l0oking d0wn. we met at mac. den we chated.
hazel, xingyi, mai, elvira, carmen, sharron, kee hou, aisah, aqmar, nabil, gary, darren, zhao hui, dennis and me were all there.
den weijie came t0 find me. den i b0rr0wed bbal fr0m hym. caws dey all wanted t0 play bbal mahhs. den weijie went back h0me t0 take and we all meet him at backc0urt. dats when i started t0 feel bad. n0 lahhes. acutally is wen i ask him t0 h0me and take bbal dat tym. den we all play and den after dat we sat d0wn t0 chat at dhe vi0d deck. den wj was lyk left out and he was standing there while we are all siting d0wn. i asked him t0 sit d0wn den he d0wan. haiy0. i was lyk damn n0isy dat tym. keep on farn him t0 sit d0wn. yarh. at last he sit sit. budden n0rt wif us.. aiy0. i feel real bad caws i b0rr0wed bbal fr0m him and neglected him. haiish.
all the while while we were siting d0wn chatting, gary was smsing all dhe time. den after awhile, he sto0d up and went t0 l0ok f0r his stead. ahas. den went he came back, we went t0 tmart t0 slack again. we was lyk playing true 0r dare. WOO! it was real fun. YEA! gary was lyk there CRAPPING all the time. and me and sharr0n pulled gary int0 dhe girls t0ilet! YEAH!
we played true 0r dare. den dennis acted pro.
dennis: d0n play true 0r dare. we play all DARE.
den sharr0n turn dhe tingy purposely t0 dennis.
Dennis: walau. okies. wat dare?
sharr0n: i dare uu t0 sh0ut SHUAI GE t0 dhe guys there. and wen dhey turn ar0und, uu say BHB!
Dennis: huhh? dunn wan lahhes. i here n0 backing de. other ch0ices?
Darren: i dare uu t0 kiss sharr0n. ahas.
sharr0n st0od up and wanted t0 slap darren.
Sharron: i dare uu t0 t0 kiss the chair.
den dennis wen t0 take tissue and clean the chair. and head d0wn t0 kiss the chair.
den i push his head d0wn all the way.
OMG! he kissed the chair.
den we all went toilet and went they all walked past, we pulled them int0 the girls t0ilet. gary the unlucky one. we pulled his bag and shirt.
den he let g0 his bag and ran int0 the b0ys t0ilet. den awhile later, he open the do0r a lill and peek out. and i SAW DAT. gary din dare t0 c0me 0ut. WAHAHAHAS! it was fun overall.
all my primary scho0l frens have n0t change abit.
gary still crappy,
xingyi still cute.
sharron still lyk t0 crapp als0.
darren i dunn0e. but his character still same. still s0 CHILDISH. =XX
elvira still eat al0t but never gr0w fat. pssst. elvira's a sick0. ahas. she take al0t 0f pictures of fo0d using her f0ne. ahas.
hazel still shy shy.
all my primary scho0l frens have n0t change abit.
gary still crappy,
xingyi still cute.
sharron still lyk t0 crapp als0.
darren i dunn0e. but his character still same. still s0 CHILDISH. =XX
elvira still eat al0t but never gr0w fat. pssst. elvira's a sick0. ahas. she take al0t 0f pictures of fo0d using her f0ne. ahas.
hazel still shy shy.
kee h0u wen he eats, the atsm0shere was quiet. budd wen he finish....uu n0e wat.... ?
0nly dat sto0pid erzi. gr0w s0 tall. haiish. can0rt cal him sh0rtie le.
zha0 hui still eats al0t.
=XX !
im bery s0wiie f0r neglecting uu. glad dat uu are n0t angwe. =)) it w0n happen again. really. danks f0r lennding us u0r bbal. =))
0nly dat sto0pid erzi. gr0w s0 tall. haiish. can0rt cal him sh0rtie le.
zha0 hui still eats al0t.
=XX !
im bery s0wiie f0r neglecting uu. glad dat uu are n0t angwe. =)) it w0n happen again. really. danks f0r lennding us u0r bbal. =))
HEYY GUYS! i bl0g until here le. i wanna g0 arcade NANANAS~ le.... BUHBYEEE...
~nananas. EN LI.
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