There are two reasons why people don't talk about something. Either it doesn't mean anything to them or x.

Chinese new year has been great this year. I can't be bother with same people trying to give me hiccups like every single year. I am getting immune to it already. *SMILE WIDELY*
Second year spending CNY with E again. Glad that everything turn out even better than last time. Learn from experience mahhhhh~ hehehe!
I love Chinese New Year. Bonus time for gatheringsss, pretty clothes, steamboat, and angbaos!!! I am more than contented actually. Just having to see everyone(almost everyone) has been SURVIVNG and living well for another year. And that E is around beside me to make it even better<3
Times like this, I feel so blessed.
Another fair bit of updates of my life...
I am having the last 1 or 2 weeks of lesson in Temasek Poly. Its been rather A JOURNEY. I am really to move on to another chapter of my life.... just that I haven't make up my mind where exactly I wanna go.
I am excited and scared of what life have installed for me. If only I could travel forward in time to see how I am gonna be like and whats the best for me a few years down the road.
If only...
I am
acturey very reluctant to move away from my current house. I mean, how could I not? I have been staying here for more than a decades, and it sheltered me through good and bad. But then again, I am pretty excited about my new house, my new room. Well, I should be happy. Dad's back on the line again with all his knick knack IDEAS of how our new house. I must say, he's really talented. I am not saying this because he is my dad. HEHEHE I AM SO PROUD OF HIM :)))
Anyways..... I say....
when your boyfriend ignore you over his psp game....

He will be too busy with him game to stop and remove flower so you take that time to SNAP a picture of him.
Heh heh my PSP pretty flowery boyfriend<3