Eh yooooooooooo, its has been all about durian this holiday for meh.
Seriously, second day into holiday is durian trip to malaysia. And then after a few days, dad bought 3 big bags of durian home. NOM NOM NOMMMMMMMMMM
Best, ahma's friend gave us more durian on the same day.
My home, practically is a durian farm now. Or rather, there's more durian then dust here. hehehehehehehehehehe my house clean leh~
I DONT FREAKING UNDERSTAND WHY, CHINA PEOPLE WILL CALL AND DESCRIBE THIS YUMMY NOM AS SHIT?!?!?!?!?!?! I am not racist, I am actually referring to my relatives back in china(though I might or might not even see them befoh).

Dad says its because of the "wrinkle lines" on the flesh. BUT ITS YUMMMMEH OKAY!!! aiyoyo dont know how to enjoy :(

[above] deshit says the above looks like drumstick. I think he's hungry again. HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Cute little duriansssssssssssssssssss ~
Then I did something .....

hehehehehehe manual lorry. the steering wheel is shiok !
Me: Is it like driving 50cent arcade those kind?
Dad : YES
Me : Okay *start engine*
HAHAHAHAHA I think dad, dont dare to drive this lorry home already. Or any lorry rather. I see one I drive one. HEHE!!
Before I go, bimbo me changed nail color again today! Holiday boredom nehneh.

Love & misses, L.