Remove 1 question from above,and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list,list them out at the end of this post.
Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
1) At what age do u wish to marry?
27? i dont know. *shrugs*
2) What you want the most now?time, moneh and time.
3) Who is the person you trust the most?My grands. i wish i could stay over there most of the time.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence?It really depends time to time...
5) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?ALL MY WISHES TO COME TRUE.!! 6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
I dont believe. Cause, i see it at times.
7) What is your goal for this year?GET MY DESIRED OLVLS GRADES!! :D
well, who doesnt.?
8) Do you believe in eternity love? HOW MANY TIMES I PEE A DAY? {question i changed}
ask the toilet bowl. LOLS!
9) Have you broke someone heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
No. Im good ;D *blinks*
10) What feeling do you love the most?happy lo. what esle? :E
11) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Humour. Cause, i love to laugh alot.
12) What feeling do you hate the most?Hatred for another one.
13) Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?Yes :D
14) Do you believe in God?
At times, Yes (:
15) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family isnt a thing right? so i guess its Money? Or Future?
16) Who do you hope to be always there for you?
My Family.
17) Whose your best friend? My cousins are also considered as my friends.
18) Who cares for you the most?My gands again! :D
19) Which date you like the most?The start of long holiday :D *yipeeeeeee~
20) Do you believe there is fate and its destined or it is the path u chose.
Both. It destinated for me to choose that path and the path i choose is destinated too.
deeedoodeeeloooo...ppl who have been tagged (:
anyone who wishs to do it and be blessed. :)
yawns, i starting to get drowsy already..... ):
mabok liao lah! D:BYES [+(&please say it again x.)