Nb. Did this post twice. Cause when i was about to finish, the page reloaded without saving ! *angry face*Helloy peeps! Im back for a long time already. Its just that I am feeling abit ruah-ish because of the weather back here -.- so didnt even bother to update cause there thousands of pictures fo me to upload which means alot of time & I am a
teeny weeny bit lazy to upload *GRIN*
The moment we step out of the plane, the very thing ahyi & me turned to said to each other was :"WAH so warm leh!"
No bluff!
Ahyi and Jon was down with heat rash the very next morning. So did me, a little only. I switch on the fan and aircon that every night i was back. And yet they say Singapore weather is very cooling during year-end. They should see Australia !!! ^@#$!%$$^
Enough talking for now, PICTURES!!

This(above's) was after checking in our luggage and briefing from the guide. Mummy insisted on me eating right before her eyes although i ate at home already, before she can say I ate my dinner already :O Stubborn =x

Introducing : The proud sponsor of this trip, My auntie :D

And her Son, Jonathan :D

Sis says: I'll miss you, lets take pictures :D
After going in the departure gate, walked around and see see look look.Then while waiting to board the plane, ahyi went cranky. YES.

(above) Jon the camera man: 1 2 3 say cheeseeee!
*Me take phone, me eye open wide. Ahyi beside snigger away while looking*
*me turn to look at ahyi*
Ahyi says : "WHAT?!?!?! Holiday leh. WHY SO SERIOUS??!?!?"
Me -.-
Ok fine, lets take another one.


Finally some decent ones taken! YAY!

1 mountain tortise with his mama showing him the aeroplane.

I am sitting by the window! HAPPEEEEEEE

Dinner served. My third dinner for that night -.-
Poached fish with ginger soya-sauce. MY FAVE ~ *nod with smirk*

Toilet -.-
Now frankly speaking, I really didnt sleep on the plane like what i expect. I was busy chioning out movies that havent been shown on Singapore's cinema. Like ....

Angus, thongs and perfect snogging.
This is awesome! I watched again when I was coming back to Singapore.
And also ..... * dan dan da dan Chihuahua*

Beverly Hills Chihuahua ~
Cute dogs. Quite funny.
And alot lah. Getting back on track. I kept looking out the windows altohugh its pitch dark. But just what i saw! Twinkle twinkle little stazzzzzzzzzzzz ~
Yea man! There was so many and they were like so damn close to me. So pretty. I almost melt in my seats. LOL! A pity that the camera could capture the scene ): awwwwwwwww
Next up is sunrise :D I have a hundred picures of those. But i will just post a few.....

Pictures arent that clear. Cant blame me.
My phone 2 megapixels only leh ):
Air was refreshing and cooling and was AWESOME when i step out of the airport. DAMN SHIOK. If only singapore also like that. Aiseh! I got puffy eyes cause I didnt sleep and was chionging movies D:
First stop ! Melbourne's or Australia's Second oldest church; Shrine.
Eye open wide for the details on the building.

Next, Touring around the city.
Alot of pictures arent with me. Cause my phone battery went flat.
Stop frowning.

Move on with farm stay.
Each family in the group with get to stay with on different farms.
My fam got with a animal cum veggie farm. HAHAHA
A very dreamy cottage with a little gate infront and a smoking chimmey on top.
Just like in fair tales! I SWEAR!
There's 2 cats named Sussie and C something.

(above) Snacks.
I've taken alot alot alot alot of pictures of all the animals on the farm.
But Jonathan deleted all of it without my permission.
Im still fuming about it! GRRRRRR~

Dinner was served by Aunty Penny. Night was scary cause the room lightings' were very very dim. And the surrounding outside was pitch dark.
There was 2 double decked bunks. And cobwebs everywhere every corner. At the top and corner of the bunk i was sleeping in was a picture of a little crying(?) girl holding on to a little doll. Of course with cobwebs too.
Like old horror stories horh.
That night, I told myself : Sleep all the way to morning and dont wake up to pee.
Then i pull the blanket over my head.
Every morning the roosterSSS with dogs will be the alarm clock.
Ahyi says: 真的是鸡犬不灵。
Breakfast was crunchy. Because we had cereals for breakfast. Yummy.

We sort-of trying out an artistic pose.
Country life 's great and relaxing. The animals around are always hungry and does nothing but eat eat eat sleep all day. The first and second sentence has no link at all.
DAY 3: GREAT OCEAN ROAD AND HELICOPTER !Ballarat Wildlife park is interesting except that there will be kangaroo' poo all around cause the kangaroo are free to roam the park. Do you know there are different species of kangaroo?

The playful Ah-kang chargin towards me cause it thought my phone was food.
P/s , I was feedin it before i step back to snap a picture.

My cereals got disgested real fast that morning so i grab some cookies on the way back to the coach. HAHA!

Great ocean road was another best part. It has oceans with water as clear as your clear water which cant be found in small fine city, singapore.

(above) The tree along great ocean road are bent away from the ocean cause the wind are tooo strong.

Mei insisted that I cheated her feelings cause she said the above picture looked the wallpaper thats comes together with and in the handphone when bought.
Indeed lor ~ The view was breath taking and i only took it will my oh-so-pathetic-2 megapixels-cam-phone. Dont say if i take with a 8 megapixels cam. Award winning already lo! LOL

(above) These are super soft sand. But we didnt had enough time to walk down the 5 storeys flight of stairs, enjoy the view and then climb up again. The coach will be gone by then.

One thing bad about Australia is that there are lots and lots of flies around. Where ever you walk, there's flies buzzing around. and people hands are always busy waving around.
So if you wanna make quick bucks in Australia, i suppose you can come up with one environmental friendly fly spray or exterminator company. Cause the aussies love the nature :D
Next up, heplicopter ride! OMG OMG ~
Ahyi and Jon was damn funny.

(above) ps, i walking =s

Headlands and Bays.
During the flight, Ahyi kept turning to me and show that i-so-scared-frown-face. HAHA!
& Jon didnt even move he just kept quiet unlike usually. *laughs*
Dinner @ Smorky, the said-to-be most expensive buffet restaurant in the town of Geelong(aka the second largest town in Melbourne). Wtf?! The mee like plastic.
And i saw an high post restaurant opposite. Maybe thats the only BUFFET restaurant in Geelong, thats why most expensive.

The emo-gulls outside the window waiting for us to throw food outside for them.
Singapore got crows [black]
Over there got seagulls [white]
Random thought.

Spent the night @ Mercure welcome hotel (Geelong). Spacious rooms, squeeeeezy lobby and dark corridors. Got 2 queen sized bed and i've got one for myself :D
Left early next morning after my fulfilling buffet breakfast of pastry, toast, apple juice, fruits, scrambled eggs, ham, bacon, harsbrowns and uhs, cakes! Yummy.

THe ferry ride to philips island and mornington penisular(40minutes ride) was great. On the way to the habour, went by some monopoly cottages. Damn cute. Ahyi's dream house. awwww ~~
Jonathan was the first on the ferry to discover dolphins jumping in and out of the waters at the further out in the waters.
btw, did i mention how much i loved the oceans? :D
Then when we are further out in the ocean, the dolphins were actually swimming beside the ferry, right infront of where i was standing!
Ahyi says : "Faster cheer faster clap then they will perform more."
Wanting to see more, we clapped and cheered.
The dolphins swam away.
Ahyi forgot that these dolphins arent same ones as with those in the zoo.
Reached. Toured around mornington penisular and went round in whirls and loops around the mountain *dizzy* before we reached Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm!

Got welcomed @ the main door with a cup of ice cream made from fresh strawberries and you even feel in the seeds when eating the ice-cream! Yummylious!!

(above) Sorry wind too big. Hair over face =/

(above) Hao-lian Jon plucked his first strawberry.

Mine strawberries are the sweetest, lobang-less and with leaves on it. Unlike ahyi's and jonathan one. They plucked some without the leaves, leaving a hole in the middle of the strawberries.
Sly Jonathan tried to swop my strawberries with his. Hieng i got put a trademark on it :D Smart!
Spend spend spend spend money on gifts.After picking up strawberries, we went in loops and rounds before we reach Ashcombe Maze. *dizzzy* The Maze garden filled with loads and loads of nice smelling lavenders!
Had our lunch there and the thai chicken tasted exactly like potato. -o-


(above) Pretty flower :)
Drop by a place for toilet breeak. There's miniature golf and pay-to-take-pic-with-koalas bears. SHOP SHOP SHOP.
Next on! Wineries! Free tasting. Slurp~ I like.

Then moving on to CHOCOLATE FACTORY! Spent alot of money there. Now i've ulcer. Eat too much chocolate, too heaty i guess. ):
Jonathan was being super selfish there -.- every one was holding on to each basket and filling it up with chocolates, i was busy filling my basket up and jonathan sneaked up behind me and took the chocolates out and put them back to the shelf. Not wonder I kept thinking :"eh, i tot i got put that flavour in?" I look like a dumbo who kept putting in chocolates with a hole in the basket -.-

Had dinner @ this small town. A restaurant open by a Singaporean who lives in Ang Mo Kio :)
Singapore's taste. Before going into the restaurant, I took my shoes and socks off, roll up my sleeves and pants and walk along the beach. Finally i can feel the clear waters. No, my feets arent dirty. Then had a hard time wiping off the sand before i wear my socks back on -.-

While walking back to the restaurant, passed by a fish and chips store. Walked in and got myself FISH :D
Nice. Different from Singapore's ones.
After dinner went to watch penguin parade. Wahlau. Cannot take pictures. Want pictures of the parade you gotta buy from them.
For 2 reasons,
1 : Flashes scare the penguin. Yet some people dont understand and continue to use flashes. So they ban photo taking to protect the nature.
2: They want earn money.
So no pictures. Sadddddddddddd .
Got back to the city and checked in Mercure Swanton hotel. Unlike the previous hotel, its damn small with 2 single beds. But the lobby is G-R-A-N-D. And the corridors are very narrow squeeeeezy. EEEEK!
DAY 5 : PUFFING BILLY TRAIN Joined optional tour. Worth it!

Bird watching you.
Then coached to train station.

Board from Belgrave to Menzies Creek.

Then when to shop around the little town.

Cute little toys store.
There's a cute little tea house(like in stories book) across the street.
Went back to back to city and drop by a store to get maggie mee cause ahyi got a sudden craving for laksa. HAHA
Then temption lured us into buying a sushi roll and walking into a thai restaurant.

Lychee and coconut drink :)

(above) Super childish Ahyi playing Scissors paper stone with Jonathan -.-
She's winning thats why she so happy. AIYO! *shake head*

Evidences of Jonathan BULLYING me. I want tell my mummy. Hmph.
Me : Childish!
Jon : You childish.
Me : No lo is you childish -.-
Jon : You then childish.
Me : Childish Boy.
Jon: You Childish Girl. YOU!
Ahyi : Wait wait. Jonathan you know the meaning of childish?
Jon: *diam diam* uhhss...... *Act cute, pout mouth and place finger on it.*
Me : You see la. Dont know still say i childish.
Jon : NO! Is you.
Me : I know meaning. *gives meaning*
Jon: *denies the meaning*
No, i am not childish -.-
Got back to hotel, shower and got back on the streets again. Shoppppping day!!!
I've myself lost in Melbourne City and Ahyi couldnt stop laughing about it. TMD.

Dinner was at this place. I guess probably the place in Melbourne that sells food spicy enough for us.

(above) our order number.
Ahyi ordered me an coke and that selfish Jon measured every single bit i drank. He can drink all he want while i cannot. Selfish -.-
In the end, he drank more than me. And partly due to the weather, he pee-ed in his pants. LOL! Abit only la. Cause he couldnt find the toilet. LMAO. He denied again that it has to do with the coke. TSK.

Trammed around the city in City Circle Tram(free). Had to become budget cause we spent almost all our money. YES!


Im gonna miss my daily breakfast here.
Did some last minute walking around and shopping.

Drop by Ah-guan's shop for last last minutes cheap deals. ITS A MUST GO PLACE.
Paid by credit card. No more cash.

Headed down the airport....

Goodbye Australia, I will be back.

Dinner - Chicken curry. This one damn nice lor. I even took ahyi's one. *blush*

Chiong my movies again and watch Sunset. and moon rise! :D

(above) Usual clouds. I guess its gonna soon over there soon.

(above) thats moon rise. Got blocked by the aeroplane wing.

And i back in Singapore. Shopped again for tax-free items. saw fam waving at us outside glass.
Finally finish my post.
I started this post @ 2pm in the noon. And its 12.15am now. Wahlau.
话不多说,我要去睡觉 liao. BYEBYE!!!